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3.3.3 Reverting to an Older Version

ERPNext is not really designed to be reverted or back-ported. However, with some planning it can be done. The main trick is to have good backups. Refer to 3.4 Backing up ERPNext. This is the primary reason why we backup all sites before we do an upgrade. With planning and a good backup, you can restore the database to match the known good code base.

Assuming the steps to take a full backup were completed from 3.4 Backing up ERPNext, follow these steps to revert to the backed up state.

NOTE: For some reason the admin guide does not understand, bench does not handle relative paths very well. Be sure to fully qualify all of the path’s you use for the bench restore command.

sudo su - erpnext
# you should be in the root of the erpnext user home directory
rm -Rf [bench name]
tar -xvf erp-prd-backup-[yyyy-mm-dd].tar.bz2
cd [bench name]

# find the latest backup files in sites/[site name]/private/backups/
# you will be prompted for the mysql pwd
bench --force restore \
    /home/erpnext/[bench name]/sites/[site name]/private/backups/[sql.gz file]
bench migrate
bench clear-cache
bench clear-website-cache
bench restart

Following these commands will essentially wipe the old version completely and restore what was taken in the full backup to production.

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