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3.2 Installing ERPNext

One of the most common cries for help on the ERPNext Discussion Forum is for installation issues. Getting ERPNext installed can be a bit of a hassle, especially for new Linux administrators. The developers of ERPNext have created an install script (install.py) of sorts, but it can back-fire on a new administrator.


Operating Environments

Before we get into installation, let us take few minutes and discuss a term: operating environment. There are a number of ways various people and organizations use this term with regards to how a system like ERPNext is installed and managed. This is the admin guide’s view here:

NOTE: Code and configuration always moves up in environment. New code starts at development, moves up through stage with heavy testing and then eventually moves up into production. Configuration changes also move up in environment. Often times it is good enough to test a configuration change in stage and then move up to production. However, depending on the nature of the configuration change the administrator may wish to start in development.

NOTE: There is often more than one kind of development environment. The term above is discussing a shared development environment where teams are making changes and testing in a very fluid area. This is not to say that each developer will also have a personal development environment. In either case, development is still never considered stage or production.

Server Sizing

At a minimum, you need a server with 10GB of free disk space (after OS installation) and 2GB of RAM. Production servers will need more RAM and disk space, especially for the /var and /home mount points. This is where the database and the main application directories are housed respectively. Personal development workstations will want even more RAM to be able to load the GUI, development IDE(s) and other tools.

Network Name

Before you start the installation, it is good to think about how your users are going to access the system. For production, stage or shared development environments, you will need to have a network name in DNS that is available for everyone. Take the time now to add the proper CNAME or A record to your DNS zone so that it can propagate while the installation is running. If you are building a personal development environment, then adding the name to the /etc/hosts file is also a good idea. Here is an example:

[IPv4 Address]    [site name].[domain name]   [site name]

It is also a good administrative task to ensure that the /etc/resolv.conf file is configured for your environment. The admin guide recommends using Google’s nameservers:

#Google IPv4 nameservers

#Google IPv6 nameservers
nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888
nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844

#Setup your local domain
domain [domain name]


ERPNext can be installed on the following OS’s:

For production and stage environments, the admin guide recommends Debian 9 because “it just works”. For development environments where a nice user interface on the “server” is wanted then the admin guide recommends Ubuntu 16.04 “Desktop” edition or MacOS 10. Windows is another option for a development environment, however you cannot run the code on Windows so it makes development a lot harder.

NOTE: The admin guide recommends that all installation work is done with a sudo privileged user. During installation, we will create the required user to run ERPNext. The ERPNext user will have elevated privileges during installation and those rights will be removed at the end.

NOTE: These steps assume you are starting from a freshly installed server. Your mileage will vary if you are attempting to run these steps on an existing server. The easy install script is very opinionated meaning it makes a large number of assumptions as to how you want to install the system. The admin guide recommends the using the install script because the Ansible playbooks used do a ton of work very fast saving you a lot of time. The assumptions made are fine for the vast majority of installs.

For Debian based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu) start by installing a collection of software dependencies. If you are installing on a RHEL based distribution (CentOS), skip down a section.

# Install the base dependencies
su -                                         # Dedian Only
nano /etc/apt/sources.list                   # Debian Only - Comment out the dvd/cdrom line
apt-get update                               # Use sudo ... for Ubuntu
apt-get dist-upgrade -y                      # Use sudo ... for Ubuntu

# You will be prompted to configure postfix for smarthost
# Use sudo ... for Ubuntu
apt-get install -y sudo curl wget net-tools postfix vim

usermod -aG [sudo group name] [your user id] # Debian Only
exit                                         # Debian Only

# Debian Only - Logoff and back in to set your user id as sudoer

For Red Hat based distributions (CentOS) start by installing a collection of missing software options. These steps assume you are running CentOS 7 minimal install and created an Administrator level user during installation.

# Bring system completely up to date
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y curl wget net-tools postfix vim

The install script installs NodeJS 6.x. We want the latest stable 8.x, which works for all operating systems except Debian 7 “Wheezy”. For all supported operating systems, install NodeJS from their respective repositories. Debian 7 “Wheezy” users will skip this and install NodeJS 6.x from the easy install script later.

# Debian/Ubuntu based - Get NodeJS from its own repository
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

# RHEL/CentOS based - Get NodeJS from its own repository
curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo yum install -y nodejs

Create the erpnext user. The sudo group name on Debian based distributions is often sudo or sudoers. The sudo group on RHEL (CentOS) based distributions is often wheel. Run these commands:

# Create the user with the bash shell and add to appropriate sudoers group
sudo useradd -m erpnext -s /bin/bash
sudo usermod -aG [sudo group name] erpnext

# Create a password for the user
sudo passwd erpnext

# Become the erpnext user
sudo su - erpnext

# Test sudo privileges
sudo apt-get update  # Debain/Ubuntu


sudo yum update -y   # RHEL/CentOS

Download and run the install script.

# Get the install.py file
curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frappe/bench/master/playbooks/install.py" \
    -o install.py

# Confirm you can ping the site
ping [site name].[domain]

# Install the software
# You will be prompted for what you want the mysql root and erpnext admin passwords to be
sudo python install.py --production --site [site name].[domain] --user erpnext \
    --bench-name erpnext-prd --verbose 2>&1 | tee --append erpnext-install.log

NOTE: If you want a stage environment keep the --production flag, but change the bench-name to erpnext-stg. If you want a development environment keep the --production flag, but change the bench-name to erpnext-dev. There are further steps later if you want to enable developer mode. See 3.2.2 Installation of a Side by Side Development Environment for notes on a side-by-side installation.

Assuming that everything went great and there is no need for troubleshooting, you will see something like this:

PLAY RECAP**********************************************************************
localhost                    : ok=77    changed=43    unreachable=0    failed=0

Frappe/ERPNext has been successfully installed!

Sometimes install.py leaves some files in the bench we created that we want to clean up. This step will also ensure you are running the latest code and all the NodeJS packages are up to date via npm.

sudo rm /etc/profile.d/screen_wall.sh
cd [bench name]
bench update --reset
# Exit from the erpnext user

If you want to setup the environment to development mode, follow these instructions https://frappe.io/docs/user/en/guides/app-development/how-enable-developer-mode-in-frappe.

Now remove sudoer rights form the erpnext user.

sudo usermod -G "" erpnext

Lastly we need to check on a few things to ensure they are running and installed correctly.

# Confirm redis-server is running
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep redis-server
sudo redis-server -v        # Should be >= 3.2.x

# Confirm NodeJS and npm
sudo node -v                # Should be >= 8.9.x for all except Debian 7
sudo npm -v                 # Should be >= 5.6.x

# Confirm mysql/mariadb is running on port 3306
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep mysql

# Confirm ngingx is listening on port 80
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep nginx

# Confirm postfix smtp relay is running on port 25
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep master

# Confirm socket.io is running on port 8000 as a python process
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 8000

# Confirm NodeJS is running on port 9000
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep node

If any of the above items are not running, then you will need to troubleshoot the installation of that component. At this point the erpnext user should be an non-sudoer user and you will have an empty production environment running. Next step is to run the Setup Wizard.

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